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Commissioners began the evening by meeting up at the Newtown Municipal Center at 6:45 pm to review the traffic situation and parking on the Fairfield Hills Campus.
After a brief recess, Chairman Duane Giannini reopened the meeting at 7:30 pm in the Meeting Room at Town Hall South.
Present: Brian Budd, Bruce Walczak, Keith Jacobs, James Viadero and Chairman Duane Giannini
Absent: none
Also Present: Police Chief Michael Kehoe, Captain Jose Rios, Lt. George Sinko, 2 members of Newtown Hook and Ladder, 1 member of the press and 4 members of the public.

Kendra Bobowick, 13 Great Quarter Road, presented a letter to the Board of Police Commissioners which Chairman Giannini asked be attached to the evening’s minutes as a matter of public record.
Ms. Bobowick thanked the department and Officer Ketchum for their presence on Great Quarter Road band said that her concern regarding the rate of motorists speed on the road was largely due a concern for residents’ safety.
Commissioners and the chief agreed there was a problem. Chairman Giannini reassured Ms. Bobowick that the Department would do the best it possibly can to be present in that area. Chief Kehoe stated that the Police Department recognizes the increased speed of the vehicles is a cultural change and said they were going to be out there as often as they can with the various tools they have. Chairman Walczak reminded Ms. Bobowick there is a Traffic calming Procedure to which she replied she would be interested in pursuing. The Chief noted that the guidelines were on the department’s web site.
Sherry Birmingham, Main Street, told commissioners that she walks her dog everyday and said the reason she doesn’t cross Main Street during rush hour is because the traffic is so heavy. She added that even during the other hours it is difficult to cross the street and stressed that traffic has really gotten bad. Ms. Birmingham told Police Commissioners that most motorists don’t even stop or slow down for pedestrians in the crosswalk, but noted that most of the truck drivers do stop.   Chief Kehoe said that there is an educational piece to the matter, and noted that the motorists need to learn they must stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk. Commissioner Walczak told Ms. Birmingham that one of the Police Commission’s objectives is crosswalk safety. He added that although the Town wasn’t able to fund the Pedestrian Activated Crosswalk signs he noted that there were other options and told her to “stay tuned.”Commissioner Giannini said that recently there were officers active on main Street ticketing motorists turning right across the crosswalk with pedestrians in it. He cautioned that pedestrians need to pay attention, also, and look both ways before crossing.
Chief Kehoe read an excerpt of a letter from Public Works Director Fred Hurley, who could not be present at the evenings meeting, regarding the matter. According to Mr. Hurley, the funding source for the Pedestrian Activated signs is now in the Contingency Fund Account. He noted that it doesn’t mean they can’t be funded, but that they now compete with other funding needs for the money.
James Walsh, 3 North Branch Road, reminded Commissioners that it was the end of the 120-cday traffic calming period on Key Rock Road. He added that he and his neighbor, Brain, were curious what the results of the report are.
To address the matter sooner, Chairman Giannini called for a motion to move the discussion and comments on 6 month review of Key Rock Road enforcement initiatives up on the agenda between items 2 (Public Participation) and 3 (Consideration and action of the minutes).
Commissioner Walczak moved to advance item 6 c,, Discussion and comments on 6 month review of Key Rock Road enforcement initiatives, to between items 2 and 3 on the agenda. Commissioner Jacobs seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.

6 c. Discussion and comments on 6 month review of Key Rock Road enforcement initiatives -
Commissioner Giannini remarked that despite aggressive action on Key Rock Road the calming activity has had little effect on the “speeding”. Reading off the report, he noted that there were a total of 70 motor vehicle stops with an increase of 163 vehicles weekly and only an average speed decrease of 1.3 mph. He added that the speeds between the 85th and 90th percentile were between 39.6 mph and 45.4 mph. (The road is posted 25 mph.)
Chief Kehoe concurred with the Chairman and said that the department has done education and done enforcement, yet there is still a great degree of people violating the law during the commuting times.
Commissioner Walczak said it was discouraging and still believes “Zero Tolerance” may be the solution.
Chairman Giannini reassured Mr. Walsh that police commissioners won’t let the budget stand in their away towards finding a solution to the problem.
Mr. Walsh said he knows people like to speed, but agrees with Commissioner Walczak that “Zero Tolerance” may be the answer. He added that it’s a dangerous road and he doesn’t want to see any of his neighbors or family get run over.  In conclusion, Mr. Walsh reaffirmed that all he was asking was that the police do their job and they’ve done a good job. He added that if it’s a budget issue he’ll go to someone who can ascertain those funds.
Chairman Giannini gave Mr. Walsh a copy of the report regarding Key Rock Road.
Chief Kehoe told Mr. Walsh that the Board of Police Commissioners has the matter in their sights and Chairman Giannini told the resident that the commission won’t have a discussion about the matter without inviting him.  

3. CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES AND ADDENDUM FOR THE REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, May 4, 2010: Chairman Giannini tabled the minutes until the next meeting to give commissioners a chance to review them.

4. CHIEF’S REPORT: Budget - Chief Kehoe told Commissioners that Captain Rios was out on assignment and asked the captain might be able to give his report later. Chairman Giannini indicated that was fine.
The Chief reported that the Monthly Police Overtime for May 2010 was in their packets and said the department should make it to the end of the year.  Line Item Budget Balances – Chief Kehoe told commissioners they have them in their packets and that the department is watching the line item budget balances and maintaining them. FY 2010-2011 Update. The chief noted that there was nothing remarkable or of concern. Fleet - The Chief reported that the three cars were purchased from the 2009-2010 Budget. He told them the Sergeant’s car, Car #2, was being prepped and noted that the old Car #2 has a blown engine. Personnel Report – the Chief Kehoe told commissioners they had a copy of the personnel report from Sgt. Wisentaner and the Training Report – from Lt. Mooney in their packets and there was nothing remarkable. Letters of Gratitude – The Chief said the department received several letters of gratitude for the following: Officer Wood, Det. Frank, Officer Scienski, Sgt. Bahamonde & Officer McCarthy, Officer Ketchum, Sgt Froehlich, and Officers Ketchum & Kullgren. Correspondences – Chief Kehoe reported that according to Mr. Hurley the town could apply for an HVCEO Local Road Accident Reduction Grant (a yearly grant) but indicated that often the town does not qualify. Crosswalk Pedestrian Signals – the Chief noted that this was already discussed.
CPA Graduation June 2, 2010 – Chief Kehoe announced that the Citizen Youth Academy Graduation was taking place at Kendro, Wednesday, June 2, 2010, at 6pm.
Department Project Updates: Radio EnhancementChief Kehoe reported that the enhancement project is ongoing and that Lt. Mooney is working directly with Northeast Communications and the project won’t be done for several months.
Chief’s Goals Update – The Chief reported that the power point draft was done regarding Space Needs. He noted that CAD/RMS was up and running.. Regarding, Accreditation, Chief Kehoe noted that everything is status quo. Management/Labor Relations – the chief noted that the research is continuing.
Lion’s Club May 26, 2010 – The chief said he attended a meeting with the Lion’s Club and told commissioners they were very receptive.
Station Meeting held on May 26, 2010 – Chief Kehoe said the meeting was a 4 or 5 hour deal where they discussed various things that were going on in the community.

Chairman Giannini tabled the Captain’s Report pending Captain Rios’ arrival.

a.) Discussion and consideration on Strategic Goals and Objectives for the Police Commission – Chairman Giannini said he and Commissioner Walczak hadn’t had a chance to meet and discuss the Crosswalk Safety Plan yet, but said they had discussed the Redesign of the Monthly Packets and come up with seven key points they want the packages to provide. He stressed that ideally they would like the packets to be entirely paperless. Some of the key points included: holding the Board of Police Commissioners and command structure of the police department accountable, an early warning system, educate, packets should be in-depth enough to formulate questions, snap shot of activity levels should include criminal stats as well as MV stats, enhance training reports, and there should be a sheet that describes all the acronyms that are used.
Commissioner Viadero asked if the different “activity” report was from the new CAD system and the Chief said yes. The commissioner said it appeared the numbers were higher but noted that he liked the new report.
Commissioner Walczak said the package was data rich but not information rich and suggested that the Chief and Captain provide a narrative as to why the numbers are the way that they are.
Animal Control – Commissioner Budd reported that he and commissioner Viadero had gleaned three different perspectives from the three different agencies and that they needed to work through them with the Chief. He said he hoped to have a solid suggestion by the commissioners’ meeting next month.
Employee Relations – Commissioner Viadero said and Commissioner Jacobs attended a meeting of the executive board and met with Police Union President Andy Stinson and two members of the labor board to discuss officers concerns. The consensus was that the employees would fill out a department survey again and present it to the Police Commissioners first before it gets handed out to the commanders. Commissioner Giannini stressed that the commissioners must be careful they are not negotiating. Commissioner Viadero agreed and indicated that the key was letting the employees know they are listening.

b.) Discussion, review and possible action on the Traffic control matters relating to Newtown Youth Academy and Newtown roadways leading to Newtown Youth Academy – Chairman Giannini reported that Commissioners Walczak, Budd and himself had met with the Captain and the Chief up at the Fairfield Hills Campus at 6:45pm to review the traffic and parking. According to the chairman, he believes that once the signs are installed people will be going the right way, but he said “clearly” there is a line-of-site issue concerning people parking. He suggested the commission take a wait and see approach since there were no accidents up there recently. Chairman Giannini said he wants to notify the Fairfield Hills Authority that the commission is taking a wait-and-see approach. Commissioner Walczak agreed and said he thinks a wait and see approach is prudent.
As an option to the parking problem, Chairman Giannini mentioned that Commissioner Budd suggested that if the parking was angled it would create a one-way mentality moving the drivers in one direction. The Chairman also noted that Commissioner Budd had suggested pushing the parking in a little more, but said he wouldn’t support it because he believed it to be too costly.
Chairman Giannini concluded by asking that it go on record that the Commission would look into the matter on a six month review basis.


b.) Review and comments on Newtown Hook and Ladder new firehouse, 12 Sugar Street – Chairman Giannini moved forward so that two fire officials present from Newtown Hook and Ladder could be heard in a timely fashion.
Chief Kehoe read a letter from the President of Newtown Hook and Ladder which explained that the fire company needs the Board of Police Commissioners’ approval before it can move along with the land use process. The Chairman promptly asked Commissioners to look at their calendars to set up a special meeting with the planner, Michael Galante who had given the Police Commission several dates that would work for him. Commissioners agreed to hold a special meeting Wednesday, June 9, 2010 at 6:30pm at Town Hall South.
Looking at the map of the intersection of Route 25 and Elm Street by Newtown Hook and Ladder, Commissioner Walczak questioned whether they would ever use Elm Street as an expedited way and the officials said no it was not as direct a route as it might appear on the map and didn’t line up that well.

a.) Review comments on Verdat Kala application for special exception a new bank and day care building and two future commercial retail building Riverside Road near Washington Ave – Since Mr. Galante was not present and was the planner for the Verdat Kala application as well, the Chief showed the plans to the commissioners himself.
Commissioners looked at the map and discussed the flow of traffic within the four parcels.
Chairman Giannini suggested that the commission discuss the application with Mr. Galante when they meet with him on June 9, 2010 to discuss Newtown Hook and Ladder’s new firehouse.

c.) Discussion and comments on Plan of Conservation and Development update – Chief Kehoe told commissioners that the plan was quite comprehensive so he took out their aspect, the Transportation portion, for their review. Commissioners reviewed their portion of the plan and Chairman Giannini asked what they need from the commission. The chief indicated that officials want to know what the progress of the Police Commission has been over the years on the various bullet points outlined in the plan. The chief noted that once this is updated the plan can be referred to by future applicants.
Commissioner Budd says he sees the document as a guideline such as the curb cut study.
Chairman Giannini expressed his concern that the police commission was expect to their given deadline of June 15, 2010. Commissioner Budd agreed saying he believes the Police Commission should be given more time.
Chairman Giannini asked the Chief to get a drop dead date and said the Police Commission won’t start anything until it goes through the entire Board.

d.) Discussion and approval of budget transfer – According to the Chief, Finance Director Bob Tait realized that a little too much money had been removed from the budget during the mid-year term adjustments, so department was short $600.
Commissioner Budd moved to transfer from budget line 1006 to budget line 1004 the amount of $600. Commissioner Walczak seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.
5. CAPTAIN’S REPORT:  Captain Rios reported that the motor vehicle activity is ongoing in the Written Incident Analysis Report – May 2010. He noted that the department was running a little behind the previous year in terms of activity. Commissioner Walczak asked the Captain if the board could have the statistics from the year prior to the establishment of the Traffic Unit to compare the date. Captain Rios indicated that would not be a problem.
Written Monthly Traffic Enforcement Unit Report - April 2010 -– Sgt. Vanghele’s report – Captain Rios stated the report outlined the Unit’s activity on Key Rock Road as well as other initiatives.
Written Monthly Detective Division Report – April 2010 – Sgt. Froehlich’s report - the Captain highlighted Sgt. Froehlich’s report. He stated that the detective division was currently investigating 7 burglaries and a homicide. In addition, Captain Rios said that the report outlined several initiatives of the school resource officers.
Traffic Enforcement Update – Captain Rios reported that the department had recently done a crack down on Distracted Drivers and concentrated on the center of town. He noted that there were 128 infractions issued. The Captain told commissioners that the department was currently enforcing the “Click It or Ticket” campaign.
He concluded saying he thinks the message is clear that the department is out there.
DUI Grant (update)– Captain Rios said that the department would be initiating a DUI Check Point on June 19, 2010 at an undisclosed location.


With great pleasure, Chairman Giannini read and handed-out official Police Commissioner Proclamations to Commissioner Viadero and Commissioner Jacobs.

Commissioner Jacobs said that the signs in Carluzzi’s parking lot were still not being obeyed and that he almost saw several accidents. He added that people are ignoring the “Do Not Exit” sign.

EXECUTIVE SESSION (if necessary):  none

ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING:  Commissioner Budd moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:37 pm. Commissioner Jacobs seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.

Ted Swigart, Clerk

*These minutes are not finalized until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.